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Time to Just Be

Creative and holistic tools, programmes and initiatives supporting workers at impact-driven organisations access the space, resources and time to... just... be.


The Dream


Impact-driven work can be all-consuming.

It can drain a person of all their energy leading to neglected relationships with ourselves, zapped creativity, burnout, low morale, mental and physical illness.

To embed a culture of Time To Just Be as a foundational aspect of the work environment as a form of prevention and proactive support, rather than a reactionary response.

Funded by the employer/business:

All tools, programs, or initiatives should be fully funded by the employer/business.

Takes place during work hours:

All activities must take place during work hours, not annual leave or weekends.

Compensated off-hours:

If any activity needs to happen outside regular work hours, the employer must compensate this with equivalent paid time off during work hours.


How to embed this into your organisation:

Agree a 'time budget' per head.

Send your team to our website to fill their baskets with Time To Just Be!


Build your own calendar
of Time To Just... Be


by budget per head

Coming soon, follow for release!

Minimum purchase: 5 packages

Coming soon, follow for release!