Time to Just Be
Creative and holistic tools, programmes and initiatives supporting workers at impact-driven organisations access the space, resources and time to... just... be.
The Dream
Impact-driven work can be all-consuming.
It can drain a person of all their energy leading to neglected relationships with ourselves, zapped creativity, burnout, low morale, mental and physical illness.
To embed a culture of Time To Just Be as a foundational aspect of the work environment as a form of prevention and proactive support, rather than a reactionary response.
Funded by the employer/business:
All tools, programs, or initiatives should be fully funded by the employer/business.
Takes place during work hours:
All activities must take place during work hours, not annual leave or weekends.
Compensated off-hours:
If any activity needs to happen outside regular work hours, the employer must compensate this with equivalent paid time off during work hours.
How to embed this into your organisation:
Agree a 'time budget' per head.
Send your team to our website to fill their baskets with Time To Just Be!
Build your own calendar
of Time To Just... Be